
Stories and pictures about our travels, our photography and the outdoors.


At the dock

This is the first of what we hope are several stories that have their origin on the Northern California and southern Oregon coast.

When someone says the word dock what comes to mind? The tray at the bottom of your computer screen? The place where the accused stands in an English courtroom? Or maybe the verb used to indicate securing a vessel. In this case we refer to the place where boats tie up, deliver their catch, and prepare for the next trip. Along the southern Oregon coast there are two species that most of us think of when it comes to seafood from this coast: salmon and dungeness crab. So guess what we saw when we were at the dock.


Deceitful Jetty. It only looks peaceful at the mouth of the Rogue River.

Maxx lift. Port Orford, Oregon

187 times 100

Landing table

Double shot

Lines and buoys

Wet 187

Pot knot

Buoy in a pot

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